Sunday, November 15, 2009

The fact is - it's just opinion

I have blogged on and off for years, but I've never done it very seriously.  One reason for the casual attitude is that I so often treat my blog as a kind of online journal.  Bits and pieces are saved here, but it's all just my own opinions and observations with a few handy links tossed into the mix if I'm talking about a specific place or book or CD.  I applaud those bloggers who have worked hard and written so much to reach the attention of large segments of the online population.

In fact, some bloggers have reached the stage of being wined and dined by potential sponsors.  The LA Times has an interesting article which describes a few blogging moms and the attention they attract from both readers and potential sponsors.   I have to admit, if someone offered me a lifetime supply of free coffee to blog about their product - it would be hard to turn down that much coffee.  The cost savings alone could probably cover the remainder of my daughter's college tuitition.

Of course, being the poster child of Murphy's Law, here's what would happen if somebody gave me that offer.  They'd send me their coffee - I'd hate it since I am very picky about the coffee I drink - and then I'd have to go online and say that despite the free samples (and the promise of many more to come), I really hated the taste of their coffee.  

Personal moral of that story - It's just as well that I stick to random observations.

And with that thought in mind, let me add one more random observation which doesn't benefit me at all but can potentially help a lot of kids all over the world.  The Grobanites for Charity 2009 Holiday Auction for the Josh Groban Foundation starts today.   You can see their list of items here.  The auction runs through November 23, and there are buy now items as well as a variety of donated merchandise and homemade items available for bidding.  Scroll down the page to the bottom and you'll see that with the purchase of some buy it now buttons, you're purchase also makes you eligible to win other items including signed Josh Groban merchandise.

Have a great rest of the weekend!  :-)

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